Privacy Policy

T&D Corporation (abbreviated as T&D below) fully understands the importance of protecting personal information and has designed this Privacy Policy to explain how we safeguard the privacy of our customers.

1. Compliance with Related Laws and Guidelines

In the dealing and handling of personal information, T&D will comply with the Japanese Government’s "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" (Personal Information Protection Act), and all pertinent governmental and ministerial ordinances and guidelines.

2. Definition of Personal Information

Personal information is hereby defined as any information collected through the voluntary provision by our customers which may identify a certain individual. It includes any and all registration information entered and sent to T&D via any of the various forms found on any T&D website, e-mail addresses sent to T&D, customer information provided on registration forms which accompany products and any other such information.

3. Collection of Personal Information

T&D will only collect personal information from our customers that is deemed necessary to carry out business with said customer and only by lawful and fair means.

4. Uses of Personal Information

T&D will not use personal information provided to us in any inappropriate manner, such as for facilitating illegal or improper activities, and will only use such personal information for the following purposes:
a) to provide information about our products and services to customers and for conducting related operations,
b) to improve our products and services, and
c) to respond to customer inquiries.

5. Changes in Uses of Personal Information

If T&D decides to use personal information for any purpose other than those listed above or decides to change the usage, we will notify our customers of the purpose beforehand and/or make an announcement on our website. If at that time or anytime the customer does not agree with the purposes or manner for collecting personal information the customer may opt out of our services.

6. Providing Personal Information to Third Parties

Personal information provided by our customers will never be passed onto any other companies or third parties without their advance consent, except in cases where required by appropriate law enforcement agencies.

7. Measures for Safe and Secure Management

T&D will also establish and enforce its own separate "Personal Information Handling Regulations” to protect customers from unwanted disclosure of personal information and loss and/or damage due to such disclosure.

8. Handling of Consignment

If and when T&D outsources to a third party which will handle personal information, we will do our utmost to supervise the transfer and handling of personal information as according to the Personal Information Protection Act.

9. Improvement Policy

T&D will continually endeavor to improve its handling and maintenance of all collected personal information.

10. Request for Disclosure / Correction / Suspension / Elimination of Personal Information

Upon receiving a direct request from a customer or a request via a representative agent of a customer for the disclosure, correction, suspension of use, or deletion of any retained personal information, or a request for the disclosure of records on third-party provision concerning the transfer of such retained personal data, we will respond without delay, except in the following cases:
・When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property or other rights and interests of the customer or a third party
・When there is a risk of seriously hindering the proper implementation of our business
・In cases involving the violation of laws and ordinances.

11. Contact for Inquiries and Complaints

Please direct all inquiries and complaints concerning the handling of personal information to the following:

Contact about General Issues and Support

Notices: About analysis of access, usage of cookies and web beacons

Our sites, including this website, may use cookies and other tracking technologies such as web beacons ("cookie information").

Cookie information is information that is sent to and stored on your device when you use a site or service, and we use it to identify your browser and other devices. We use cookie information for following stated purposes only. Note that the statistical information obtained by using cookie data does not include information that identifies individuals.

・We use this information for the purpose of statistically analyzing your content browsing history and other information on our websites, including this website, for the purpose of improving convenience and understanding trends in content browsing. Cookies for this purpose are called "analytical cookies" and we use Google Analytics(*) to gather and analyze data.
・We use this information for the operation of various functions on our websites, including this website. Cookies for this purpose are called "functional cookies".
・We use this information for management purposes such as when customers using our websites request to opt out of the use of cookies. These cookies are referred to as “essential cookies”.

Users who prefer not to accept cookies or allow usage of web beacons can make changes to their browser settings to notify them when they receive a cookie or to prevent cookies from being placed on their hard drive or use a private browsing function. Please note that disabling cookies on your browser will prevent us from tracking your activities in relation to this site and other services. It may also disable some of the functions and features of our sites and services and may cause them not to work properly.
  By disabling analytical cookies, the collection of your content browsing history will be stopped.
  By rejecting functional cookies, our service will not work properly.
  By rejecting essential cookies, your opt-out request and your consent to the Privacy Policy cannot be maintained.

【Details about Cookies used by T&D Corporation】
The following analytical cookies are issued by each of our sites:

  • _ga
  • _gid
  • _gat_gtag_UA_3091857_** (** will be replaced by numbers)

Functional cookies are issued as shown below by the following sites:

tandd-online-shop-cart: for managing cart information at the time of purchase.
tandd-recruit-form: Used to temporarily hold the information entered in an application form.
XSRF-TOKEN: Used to prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF), a type of cyber attack.
ondotoriwebwatandd: for managing your login information.
disp_pickup: used to control the display of pickup information.
datafileinfo: used to control the display of descriptions on the data view screen.
downloadinfo: used to control the display of descriptions on the download screen.
welcomearea: used to control the display of descriptions on the dashboard screen.
alertinfo: Used to control the display of news on the alert notification screen.
webstoragewatandd: for managing your login information.
disp_pickup: used to control the display of pickup information.
datafileinfo: used to control the display of descriptions on the data view screen.
downloadinfo: used to control the display of descriptions on the download screen.
welcomearea: used to control the display of descriptions on the dashboard screen.
alertinfo: Used to control the display of news on the alert notification screen.

Essential cookies are issued as shown below by the following sites:

tandd-setting-optout: Used to manage privacy settings.
tandd-setting-access: Used to manage processing of analytics.
tandd-setting-optout: Used to manage privacy settings.
tandd-setting-access: Used to manage processing of analytics.
tandd-setting-optout: Used to manage privacy settings.
tandd-setting-access: Used to manage processing of analytics.
tandd-setting-optout: Used to manage privacy settings.
tandd-setting-access: Used to manage processing of analytics.
tandd-setting-optout: Used to manage privacy settings.
tandd-setting-access: Used to manage processing of analytics.
tandd-setting-optout: Used to manage privacy settings.
tandd-setting-access: Used to manage processing of analytics.
tandd-setting-optout: Used to manage privacy settings.
tandd-setting-access: Used to manage processing of analytics.

(*) About Google Analytics
Our services and sites, including this website, use Google Analytics, a service provided by Google, to understand and analyze trends in the viewing of our content. When we use Google Analytics, Google collects, records and analyzes your browsing history of our content based on the cookie information we issue. We receive the results of this analysis from Google and use them as statistical information that cannot be used to identify individuals in order to improve convenience and understand trends in content viewing.
The information collected, recorded and analyzed by Google Analytics does not contain any information that identifies anyone as a specific individual. Such information will be managed in accordance with Google's Privacy Policy.

You may also opt out of the collection of your information through our use of Google Analytics by disabling Google Analytics in your browser's add-on settings. You can disable Google Analytics by downloading and installing the “Google Analytics Opt-Out Add-on” from the Google Opt-Out Add-on Download page and changing the add-on settings in your browser.
If you disable Google Analytics, it will also be disabled on the other websites you visit, but you can re-enable it by reconfiguring your browser add-ons.

For a detailed explanation of the Google Analytics Terms of Use, please visit the Google Analytics site, and for details of Google's Privacy Policy, please visit their site.

Google Analytics Terms of Use:
Google's Privacy Policy:
Google Analytics Opt-Out Add-on:

Notices: Other

1. T&D Corporation's Privacy Policy is intended to comply with applicable laws and regulations of Japan.
2. T&D Corporation may revise this Privacy Policy to follow the amendment of laws, rules, and guidelines on the handling of personal information or as needed with changes in the social environment.
3. This policy takes effect on the posted date (including the date of update).

Last Updated On : September 24, 2024
T&D Corporation

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