T&D WebStorage Service "Alert View" Display Function Update
The functionality of the alert display will be updated in the maintenance on September 4, 2024.
The changes are as follows.
Details of Changes
1. Change of Display Method in Alert View.
- For the TR7 series, the warning status of "Ch1", "Ch2" and "Battery Level" was displayed as a set for each device, but the specification will be changed to display the latest warning by channel and type of warning.
Example) When lower-limit and low-battery warnings are generated in the same unit
Before Update: Displayed by device as a set
[Jun-08-2024 17:47:58]
[ch1:Ch.1] Lower Limit Exceeded: 20 C (Lower Limit: 25 C)
[ch2: Ch.2] OK
[Battery Level ] In Warning State
After Update: Will separately display by channel and type of warning
[Jun-08-2024 17:47:58]
[ch1:Ch.1] Lower Limit Exceeded: 20 C (Lower Limit: 25 C)
[Jun-08-2024 17:37:58]
[Battery Level ] In Warning State
--- - For the RTR500B series, only one latest warning event was displayed per device, but the specification will be changed to display the warning separately per channel and type of warning.
Example) When a lower-temperature-limit warning (at 17:17) and a lower-humidity-limit warning (at 17:47) occurred for RTR503B
Before Update: Displayed the latest warning event only (in this case humidity).
[Jun-08-2024 17:47:58]
[ch2] Lower Limit Exceeded: 59 % (Lower Limit: 60 %)
After Update: Will display the humidity and temperature warnings
[Jun-08-2024 17:47:58]
[ch2] Lower Limit Exceeded: 59 % (Lower Limit: 60 %)
[Jun-08-2024 17:17:58]
[ch1] Lower Limit Exceeded: 20 C (Lower Limit: 25 C)
2. Change of Alert Notification Badge
Before Update: The total number of devices displayed in My Alerts both "current" and "recovered" were combined and displayed with a red badge.
After Update: The number of alerts will be displayed separately with a red badge for "current" alerts and a blue badge for "recovered" alerts.
3. Addition of Confirmation Checkbox Multi-Select Feature
A feature that allows you to confirm multiple or all alerts will be added.
4. Bug Fix in Alert Info
A bug will be fixed where the channel name and values for upper/lower limit warnings are incorrectly displayed in the "Alert Info" field(*1) when the current readings sent by FTP are used for alert judgment(*2).
*1: If this problem has already occurred before the correction, it will be displayed correctly from the next time a new alert is generated.
*2: The function mainly intended for the older RTR-500 series and TR-700W series, but this also occurs with RTR500BW and RTR500BM when using FTP transmission without registering the device to T&D WebStorage Service.

Important Notice about Changes
- Changes are in the display only; the timing of notifications will remain the same as before.
- Since it is not possible to display alerts in the old specification (before the update) and the new specification on the same screen, as a transitional measure, alert info which occurred before the update will be displayed separately as "Unconfirmed Alerts before the Update". Once you have confirmed all alerts by clicking the OK button for all devices, the "Unconfirmed Alerts before the Update" box will be hidden.
Note: If the changes are not being reflected, while on the Alert View screen try clearing the cache by using hard refresh (Ctrl+F5 or Shift+browser reload).