System Maintenance Notice for T&D WebStorage Service (Sep 4, 2024: Completed)

Apps/Software/Firmware Aug 08, 2024

(Updated: September 4, 2024 4:00 (UTC+0))
Scheduled Maintenance has been completed successfully and now the service is available as usual.
Actual Maintenance Time: September 4, 2024 2:00 - 4:00 (UTC+0)

We will be performing a server maintenance with the following schedule.


September 4, 2024 2:00 - 5:00 (UTC+0)

Effects of Service Interruption

The impact on each service during the service outage is as follows. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

[Access to]
Not accessible via browser, T&D Graph, or T&D WebStorage Viewer.

[Data Reception via HTTP(S)]
Affected Devices:

TR7A, TR-7wb/nw/wf Series
TR4A Series, TR4 Series, log-EZ (TR32B)
RTR500B Series (RTR500BW/RTR500BM)
RTR-600 Series (RTR500BW)
Affected Application:
T&D Thermo
T&D 500B Utility

[Data Reception via FTP]
Affected Devices:

RTR500BC, RTR-500MBS-A, RTR-500NW/AW, RTR-500
TR-701NW/AW, TR-702NW/AW

  • Current Readings Data will NOT be reflected in the graph available from the [Data View] screen of T&D WebStorage Service.
  • Recorded Data Files (trz/prz) - After the service is restarted, all necessary TRZ/PRZ files will be sent at the next scheduled transmission, including any unsent data.

[T&D WebStorage API]
Access to
The API will not be available.

Impact of WebStorage outage on data via HTTP(S) communication

TR7A, TR-7nw/wb/wf Series

  • Recorded Data - All unsent recorded data will be sent at the first successful connection after the service restart, therefore no data will be lost.
  • Warning Data - Only the latest warning data will be sent after the service restart. If multiple warning events have occurred, all but the latest event will be lost.
    *When the transmission fails, data will be sent at the next auto-uploading cycle.

TR4A Series, TR4 Series, log-EZ (TR32B)

  • Recorded Data sent from App - All unsent recorded data will be sent at the first successful connection after the service restart, therefore no data will be lost.

RTR500B Series (RTR500BW/RTR500BM)

  • Current Readings Data - Up to 10 readings will be resent at the first successful connection after the service restart. Other unsent current readings data will be lost.
  • Recorded Data Files (trz/prz) - After the service is restarted, all necessary TRZ/PRZ files will be sent at the next scheduled transmission, including any unsent data.
  • Warning Data - After the service restart, if there is any unsent warning data, the warning status at that time will be sent. This includes past warnings which have been recovered, so you can check the warning status while the service is stopped.
    *If the current readings/recorded data transmission fails, the data will be sent at the next auto-transmission cycle. Warning data will be sent at the next warning monitoring cycle.

RTR-600 Series (RTR500BW)

  • Recorded Data Files (prz) - After the service is restarted, all necessary PRZ files will be sent at the next scheduled transmission, including any unsent data.
    *If the recorded data transmission fails, the data will be sent at the next auto-transmission cycle.
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