TR4 Report (iOS/Android) Update Info (ver 1.20)

Apps/Software/Firmware Jul 30, 2024

An update program for "TR4 Report(iOS/Android)" has been released.
For customers using the software below, please download and install the following update program.

Affected Product / Version

TR4 Report(iOS/Android) / Version 1.11 or lower

Update Details (iOS)

  • The App is now compatible with iOS 17. iOS 14 and below are no longer supported.
  • Fixed the old links in the app and replaced with the new ones.
  • Fixed a problem in which the upper/lower limit range that could be set for the TR43A was wider than the specification.

Update Details (Android)

  • The App is now compatible with Android 14. Android 8 and below are no longer supported.
  • Fixed the old links in the app and replaced with the new ones.
  • Fixed a problem in which the upper/lower limit range that could be set for the TR43A was wider than the specification.

Go to download page for TR4 Report

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